Lunar Lover Logo

Unlimited, all-access membership.

Everything you need to harness the energy of a complete lunar cycle and truly embody the wisdom of the moon.

Every month receive journal prompts in line with the energy of the new and full moon, free access to 2 x monthly online moon circles, a library of guided meditations and yin yoga classes and exclusive access to a secret Lunar Lover Facebook group. 

Cosmic Illustration

What’s included?

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Library of Guided Meditations

Tune into the energy of the moon by diving deep into my library of calming guided meditations throughout the day.

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Access to Bi-monthly Online Moon Circles

As part of your Lunar Lover Membership, you get free access to 2 x monthly online moon circles.

Yoga Icon

Lunar Yin Yoga Classes

Choose from the library of yin yoga classes. Follow the sequence of the Lunar cycle, or find a class to suit your intention or an area of the body you wish to target.

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Lunar Journal Prompts

Twice a month receive journal prompts themed to the new moon and full moon energy so you can harness, embody and make the most of the moon's energy.

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Secret Lunar Lover Facebook Group

Join the secret Facebook Group where you can share your experiences, ask questions, and create connection. A virtual home for Lunar Lovers like you.

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Moon Phase Reminders

Confused what phase the moon is in and when? Receive reminder posts in the Facebook group that are full of tips and tricks to best harness the energy of each moon phase.


Can I cancel my membership?

I can't imagine you'd want to, but yes if you're not enjoying being a Lunar Lover member you can cancel at anytime.

How long do I have access to all the materials as a Lunar Lover member?

For as long as you’re a member, you’ll receive emails each fortnight with all your content for the upcoming moon. I encourage you to download the content as with each new moon, some of the content will be replaced and updated.

I live in the Northern Hemisphere can I still join?

Yes. You will receive updates in the Facebook group with dates for the northern and southern hemisphere. We're all experiencing the exact same moon.


Ready for your monthly dose of moon magic?